
What Is The "X" Factor In Business?

I’m willing to bet you have heard the phrase before. Something like, “You need to find the X factor that will take your business to the next level,” or maybe it was, “We have an X factor that makes our business opportunity better than any other of its kind,” or it could have been, “Such and such internet marketer has that X factor that makes him so successful.”

Whatever the exact phrase was isn’t really important. What I am trying to get at here is that we have all hear of this mysterious “X factor” that will take our businesses to the next level.

We hear so much about this X factor, but if you were to stop somebody on the street and ask them what the X factor is, they wouldn’t have a clue. They’d make something up or just stand there with an empty look on their face not knowing what to say.

Some people say that the X factor is what that person or business does best. But can’t that just be called a skill we all have? For example, if a company said that their X factor was that they wrote fantastic sales copy, we could say that isn’t something so unusual. Tons of people write spectacular sales copy. So, how is this an X factor? Isn’t that just somebody who writes excellent sales copy?

After racking my brain for hours to find an answer to this question, without reading a bunch of philosophy books to get interpretation of what the X factor is, I decided that ultimately the X factor is something that you really can’t pinpoint, yet you know it exists.

Let me give you a few examples of what I see as the X factor…

You walk into a room filled with gorgeous women. There isn’t an ugly one to be found. Each one could easily win a top beauty pageant. But there is one woman you see who has an aura surrounding her. You can’t quite describe it. You just feel it. She stands out, even if she is not the best looking of them all. It’s the way she carries herself. It’s the confidence she displays without coming off as arrogant. She doesn’t seem unapproachable like some of the others. There’s almost a down to earth quality about her. She has the X factor that separates her from the others.

Here’s another example, you walk into a room full of businessmen. All of them earn at least $1,000,000 per year. They’re all at the top of their profession. They all dress for success and all look the part, right from their hairstyle down to the shine on their shoes. And then into the room walks Donald Trump. All of a sudden, all these very successful men look quite small in comparison. They seem like a bunch of nobody’s. The presence of Mr. Trump is just something that nobody else has… The X factor!

To me, the above examples are what I call the “true” X factor. The reason it IS an X factor is because you really DON’T know what it is. That’s what truly separates the very exceptional people and opportunities in the world.

How does this apply to an internet marketing business? Lots of people are trying to find that elusive X factor to take their online business to the top, but never find it. What’s even worse is that they never will. It’s not something you can just find. It’s something that you know is there. You can feel it. When you hook up with a company or internet marketer that has that X factor you just know it. It’s a feeling that you can’t describe.

So the next time you sit down and try to figure out what your businesses X factor is, don’t beat your brains out looking for an answer. You will know when it comes to you!

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