
Make Money, Online Business

Make money, online business. Hardly anyone likes their crappy day jobs. I bet you hate yours! If you randomly ask 500 ordinary people how they feel about their jobs, you would maybe get one or two who say they love it. Now go and ask 500 internet marketers the same question and almost all of them would love what they do for a living. The reason is because they make money with their own online business. If you think about it, how could you hate sitting at your home computer making money as the owner of an online business?!

In my case, this blog was created for that very purpose. I love to make money and doing it from my online business makes it even more enjoyable for me.

But there’s no point in showing people how to go about achieving success, when they are too blind to see get the message when it’s staring right at them. That’s why we have the horrible statistic of only 5% of all online business people are actually able to make money and a whopping 95% fail to make it.

Those aren’t made up numbers, they are facts! You can go ask huge internet marketers like John Reese or Willie Crawford if you don’t want to take my word for it. But I guess if you don’t believe what I tell you, why are you wasting your time reading this?

Well, if you are still reading this after that last sentence then I am going to assume you are one of the few who really do want to have a successful make money online business, so I will keep going for you.

There is one highly successful internet marketer who you have probably heard of. He’s called, “The Rick Jerk” and he is a very well-known success story in the online business world. He makes a lot of money online and he is certainly one of the most arrogant marketers in the world. But he can be because he does exactly what we all aspire to do: make money, online business. The Rich Jerk is not shy about telling us that he is a winner and we are losers. How can he get away with that?

Because he knows for a fact that he is almost 100% correct!

The Rich Jerk is an online winner and he is simply telling us flat out that 95% of us are losers. For him, that makes plenty of people angry enough to find out what he does to make money, which means they will buy his stuff and he will make money from them! He also gets a lot of people talking about him, usually in a negative way, but it still brings in a lot of traffic to his website, which brings in even more sales and money. It’s a perfect cycle for him.

Then you have people like John Chow who makes more money in a month from one blog than most of us will ever make. His online business blog is supposed to teach people how to make money online. However, he gets slammed on a daily basis for just about everything under the sun and one of them is that he rarely actually teaches anything about making money online.

Do you think he cares? No! He rarely even responds to the criticism and you never see him arguing back. The reason for that is because he makes money. Why should he care about what everyone is saying about him when he is the one laughing all the way to the bank?

So why do so many people fail in their make money, online business ventures?

One of the biggest reasons is that they listen to all the hype about making money in online business and believe that all they have to do is sign up for a program or buy some ebook, then sit back and watch the money pour into their bank accounts. When that doesn’t happen they quit and go tell everyone how they got scammed. They fail to realize that making money has never been easy. Just because you have an online business that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. It’s still a business and you won’t make money unless you work at it.

Another reason so many people fail is simply that they give up. Most people decide they want to start an online business to make money and when they haven’t gotten rich in the first month, or even the first year, they give up. When you quit, you fail. The fact is that many of these same people would have gone on to build very successful online businesses and would be making much more money than they do right now if they wouldn’t have given up so easily.

I’ll tell you the honest truth right now if you are willing to listen… It is NOT easy to make money on the internet. In fact, it’s not even close to being easy. If you want to make easy money then don’t start an online business, instead go get another job. But it is very much possible to make money online if you are willing to put in the time and work, and are open to learning a few things.

One of the first and most important things you need to learn is that without traffic your online business is dead. Traffic is vital and search engines are your best friend when it comes to getting traffic. You can spend every minute of your life creating the best blog or website in the world but you won’t make money unless people visit your site and make a purchase, click on an ad, or do whatever else you need them to do in order to make money.

They won’t do anything that makes you money if they can’t find you in the first place!

So why did I say search engines are your best friends?

Because I know first hand that search engine traffic is the best kind of traffic if you really want your online business to make money. I have blogs with lots of regular readers and they get hundreds of visitors per day but they are not from search engines, so I don’t make squat from those blogs. I have other blogs with hardly any regular readers but plenty of traffic from search engines and they are where most of my money is made.

Same with my non-blog websites. I only make money from my online business websites that get a lot of search engine traffic. The other sites don’t make crap even if they do have a high amount of traffic from other sources.

The sites with all the regular readers contain tons of quality, unique content that I have been building up for years. Within those pages you can find everything you could ever want to know about make money, online business. Yet if they were my only internet income sources I would be one of the 95% of internet marketers who never make money online.

That’s right, all the information those blogs contain is all you would ever need to become a successful internet marketer with a make money online business. But blogs with a huge following of regular readers and lots of quality content are not the blogs that actually make money. Sure there are a few A-list bloggers who easily make money from their blogs through paid advertising and paid reviews. But most blogs of this kind are a lesson on how NOT to easy make money online. You have to word hard at it everyday, build up a huge following of regular readers, always be on the cutting edge of the internet marketing world, never take a break, etc… It’s not easy money!

This is the way it really works…

To make money, online business and actually find a way to easy make money, you need to look at the entire process from a different perspective. Yeah, you can still have your reader friendly blogs where you build up an army of followers while making a bunch of blogging friends along. That’s wonderful. But you also need to massively diversify your online business portfolio and set up blogs that are purely to make money, because I can almost guarantee you that your “reader friendly” blogs will not.

At this point you might be asking yourself why a reader friendly blog with a bunch of followers won’t make money.

Here is the answer…

When you create a blog that you want to make money from then you will have ads, affiliate links, or something else for them to click on that you earn money from based on their actions. If you write great content on a frequent basis and people are learning a lot from your posts or enjoy reading them for whatever reason, they will probably come back to your blog again and again to read your posts. If you are answering everything for them they have no reason to click on your ads to find the information elsewhere.

If you plan to make easy money from people clicking on your ads, you need to give them a good reason to click. One of the best ways to do this is to write your posts around what your visitors are looking for but don’t actually specifically answer any of their questions them. I know that sounds stupid and might upset your visitors, but you are not doing it to make friends, you are doing it to make money. Would you rather have a lot of happy readers or would you like to make money, online business?

One more good way to get visitors to click away on your ads is to have a blog design that is very unappealing to look at. If they can’t stand to look at your blog then they won’t stick around too long. In order to get out of there and find the information they want from another site, they will most likely click your ads. When they do that you will make money!

Another big reason regular readers will not click on your ads is because they see them all the time. If they come to your online business blog frequently to read your posts then they see the ads every time. It gets to the point where they don’t even notice them anymore so they certainly aren’t going to click on them. That’s not good for your make money online business.

If you really want to make money, then you have to separate your friends from your online business. You can’t try to make everyone happy all the time or you will go broke and have to stay at your day job for the rest of your life. If you are blogging for friends while trying to make money at the same time, you will quickly join the large percentage of online failures.

As I said earlier in this post, you need to attract highly targeted traffic from search engines.

And the main search engine that you want to get that traffic from is Google. That’s because Google is the top dog of all search engines. More people use them than all the other search engines combined. Their popularity brings in the most traffic, which turns into more people who will be searching for something and if your site is at the top of Google for that search then you will get many more targeted visitors.

Someone searches for make money online business because they want to know how to make money with an online business and they want to read how to do it on a website that Google will find for them. When they type in the keywords Google presents them with a bunch of pages full of websites that are relevant to their search term, make money online business. By the way, if you think that make money online business is a strange search you shouldn’t because it is searched for thousands of times every month.

When the listings come up they will probably click on the first site (or any of the sites on the first page of results) on the list and see what it’s all about. If they find what they are looking for they will close the site and go on with their happy lives. But if they don’t find it, they will probably click on an ad that promises to show them how to make money online and leave through that. And that, my friend, is how that website makes money! This is exactly the point I am trying to get you to understand. When thousands of people visit that site every month and even a small percentage of them click the ads, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that site owner is earning a nice income from their ads.

So what you want to do is get on the first page of Google results and get your share of those earnings!

The only way to do that is to show them that your site is a top authority on that keyword phrase. I encourage you to stay away from the make money online niche because it is way too competitive and almost impossible to break into the top of the search results. So if you are in a niche outside of the make money niche then keyword research is very important so you can quickly rank at the top of the search engines (mainly Google) and start bringing in some good profits.

Google only wants to return relevant sites in its searches so you have to have a lot of specific content on your website that is relevant to the keywords you want to rank for so they will find that your site is one of the best options to show in the results. Like I said earlier you want to give away as much of the information as you need to in order to get the search engine rankings, but not enough to satisfy the reader to the point where they won’t click on your ads. That’s how you make money from your content!

When you write really long posts you can repeat your keywords numerous times throughout the post without having to actually stuff them in there. This will help a lot with increasing your search engine rankings for those keywords. This also helps to make sure you only keep a few hardcore readers all the way to the end where they actually find the good make money, online business secrets and all the impatient readers will give up early in the post and click one of your ads to get out of there. Which will make easy money for you!

So you now know that having tons of relevant content with a bunch of keywords sprinkled throughout each article is part of the equation for getting high rankings in Google, but that is not all you have to do. For some really small niches that might work but for the bigger ones like make money, online business or any other more competitive niches you need to do more.

One of the best ways to get to the top of Google is by getting lots of keyword rich inbound links to your website. The ultimate inbound links are those that are from quality, high ranking sites that are closely related to yours. When it comes to back links the more relevant, the better. When the link comes from an unrelated or low quality site then the link juice you get from it is not worth nearly as much.

For this particular site, I need lots of sites related to online business, make money online, home business, and work at home to link to me. I would want the anchor text to be either make money, online business or something very close.

Also when you have more than one site in the same or similar niches, you can help yourself out by giving your other sites some keyword rich text links. In fact, I am going to do that for another one of my online business websites right now because I want it to rank for the keyword phrase make money online.

Basically if I were to sum up this entire post into a few brief sentences I would tell you that it is not easy to make money online. And the thing about make money, online business pretty much comes down to getting to the first page of the Google search results so you can get targeted traffic. Then in order to actually make money from that traffic you want to be sure not to give them all the online business information they are looking for or they won’t click on your ads to make you easy money.

That’s it for this make money online business post.

If you made it this far then please come back again soon for more!

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