
If Content Is King, Demand Is Emperor!

If you have an online business or do anything dealing with internet marketing then you have heard the saying, “Content Is King.” Basically this means whoever produces the most content on a certain topic will make the most money online.

When you see all the people out there who are constantly writing content or finding places where they can get content written for them cheaply, you would tend to believe that this statement is definitely true. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not minimizing how important content is, but you know what? I am not stupid enough to believe that content is all that you need to make money online.

You see, while content may be leader of one kingdom, demand is the ruler of an entire empire. That’s why if content is king then demand is emperor! To make money online you need both of these monarchs.

There are economic laws of supply and demand, and as you can see demand is one half of the equation. If you’ve never taken a course in economics, then here’s brief little explanation to help you understand the concept…

Supply and demand is a really basic economic concept. But in order to really make it as easy as possible for you to understand, I’m going to give you an example of how powerful supply and demand really is. This will help you understand it much better than a long and boring explanation.

Let’s say John Smith has a widget, but he only has one widget. It turns out that this widget will earn anyone who owns it $100,000 per year. Everybody wants this widget. But there is only one. So John Smith decides to put it up for bidding at an auction. The bidding goes out of control. People are bidding this widget up to $500,000 because they realize that they can use this widget for many years, so paying $500,000 for it now will be more than worth it.

Suddenly, in the middle of the bidding war, Jim Jones comes out with an almost identical widget but has 1000 of them available. He sees the current bid for John’s is $500,000 so he decides to sell his widgets for $250,000 each. Well guess what? All of a sudden, John Smith’s widget isn’t as much in demand because there are 1000 other widgets that are just as good and for a lot cheaper.

So the demand for John Smith’s widget goes down. Now he has two choices… He can stick to his guns and try to still sell the widget for $500,000 by somehow convincing buyers that his is better, or he can lower his price and try to undercut the competition. But the problem is he knows that if he just uses his widget for a year he’ll make at least $100,000 so he can’t lower it too much or he won’t really be making any money and he could even end up losing money.

So now you see, if the supply is high and the demand is low, then you won’t be able to sell the item for as high a price as if the supply were low and the demand were high. However, even if the supply is high, if the demand is still high, you can still sell at a fairly high price. You may not be able to sell it at as high of a price if the supply is low, but still, demand is that powerful.

The point I am trying to make is this; if you put out tons of content to promote an item, but there is no demand for that item, or very little demand, you won’t be able to sell it for much and you probably won’t make very many sales to begin with. Therefore, you will not make money and your online business will fail.

Now you know that all the content in the world can’t overcome a low demand. This holds especially true if you wanted to sell your content. It doesn’t matter if you only wrote a few articles on a subject or many articles. If there is no demand for what you are selling, you’d be lucky to be able to give those articles away, let alone make money from them.

So when it comes to online business content may be king, but demand is the emperor!

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