
Harnessing the Power of PLR

I’ve been thinking about writing on the subject of Private Label Rights (PLR) for quite a while but just haven’t found the words to say until now. You might be thinking, “What the heck are private label rights?” Well they are rights to a product package where you can change the contents of it, sell it for whatever you like, add other items to it and so on… Basically you can do whatever you want with a PLR package.

Let me start by saying that people simply don’t realize the awesome power of creating, or even buying a Private Label Rights package. Most PLR packages give you the right to do just about anything you like and most of them come with a sales page and everything else that you might need. PLR packages are an absolute gold mine if you know what to do with them.

A lot of people wonder what the point of buying a PLR package is. If you’re going to go through all the trouble of modifying the package so much, why not just create your own product from scratch? Well, you certainly can do that if you think you can come up with something on your own that will sell. But there a couple of reasons why buying a PLR package may be something that you want to do.

1. It can be very hard to think of ideas. Let’s face it, not everybody has a creative nature and even if you do you will still have to come up with a lot of content for the product. Now, if you find a PLR package being sold for the same idea that you were thinking of putting together then the work has already been done for you.

At the very least you can buy the PLR package and get lots more ideas from it to add to your own. Maybe you don’t completely like what’s in the package. That’s fine; you now have the right to change whatever you don’t like. This goes for the sales page, the content and the rest of the product package.

2. Even if you are an idea machine and can crank them out one after another, buying an established PLR package will still save you a lot of time. Think of all the hours you would spend writing the content, putting it together, and then creating a sales page for it. With a package that you purchased the private label rights for, all that time can be spent on marketing it to make money. And even if you do decide that there are some things you want to change around, you’re still going to save a lot of time by not having to create the product from scratch.

Okay, are we in agreement that in some cases buying a PLR package to create a product is definitely a good thing to do? I certainly hope so!

But what if you create your own PLR package from scratch to sell to others? Well, this is where you can really harness the power of PLR packages! See, with a PLR package that you bought, there are other people out there that have the same package. So the value of it over time is going to diminish quickly, even if you rewrite it.

This is not to say that it won’t also happen with your own PLR package, but the difference is, when it’s yours and brand new, NOBODY else has it. So at the very beginning, you can sell these packages for an awful lot of money. Today, you will see these packages going for $97, $197, $297, $497 or even more. The price of some of these packages is outrageous. And, if you want to make the package even more desirable, simply sell a limited number of them. You can rack up a few thousand dollars into your bank account very quickly by creating and selling your own PLR package.

The things that you can do with your own PLR package are limitless. You created it so you can do whatever you want with it. You are only limited by your imagination. Search the internet and you will find thousands of PLR packages out there. The reason there are so many is because they sell.

So if you have always thought that you don’t need or want to create your own PLR package or even buy somebody else’s, you might want to reconsider your position. Or if you never knew about PLR packages before, you do now and you should certainly think about using them to your advantage. PLR packages are some of the hottest sellers in the internet marketing community. That’s where a crap load of money is being made.

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